Welcome to Gregs personal blog

About Greg


Greg is a Developer Educator and Advocate with over fifteen years of experience, primarily as a backend web developer. His main focus is to produce content that helps other developers grow by improving their understanding and knowledge of different languages, technologies, and APIs.

He is currently a Senior Developer Educator at Ably, a realtime communication platform powering live experiences at scale. Ably provides pub/sub messaging, WebSocket connections, and presence features that enable millions of devices to seamlessly stream realtime data.

When not working, Greg can also be found tinkering with Raspberry Pis, often on a number of unfinished or active projects.

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Recent Posts

A header for the tutorial, a rectangle with a dark blue background, tru.ID's icon and OpenSSH's logo

SSH Multi-factor Authentication with tru.ID

Apr 25, 2022

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to enhance the security of your SSH server by adding **tru.ID**'s PhoneCheck as an added security check when users attempt to log in.